09 Februari 2009

Cap Go Meh...

Hari ini hari CAP GO MEH NEH...!!~ ^^
Hari ini dan selama seminggu ke depan, Ms. Tya g msk...
Jadi, digantikan oleh Mr. Patrick...
Qt nonton science movie ttg "We are what we eat"
yg isinya tentang digestive system, kebiasaan org amerika,
dan pola makan hidup sehat...
Terus, hari ini, nilai physhic dibacain...
(untung nilai MeL g jelek... >.<)
habis itu.... pelajaran History...
Mr. Eman g msk, jd qt bs ktemu lagi ma Ms. Syahfrina ^^
(di suruh ngerjain handout tp MeL g bawa... ==")
Habis itu, pelajaran Mr. Connor~~ Qt latihan "Choral Recital"
Lalu, pelajaran mandarin... yg kelas native dictation...
Setelah pelejaran mandarin, adalah pelajaran favotit gw...
sayangnya... Mr. Danang g masuk...
(dunno what's wrong with him...)
Lalu, pelajaran Ms. Heny 2 jam...
Qt ngerjain worksheet, habis itu masih ada sisa waktu...
jadi pade belajar maen gitar semua deh~~ ^^
Pas Lunch, qt yg pertama menampilkan "Choral Recital"
dari kelas 10 F, B, ma C, judulnya sama,

"My Teacher Sees Right Through Me (by Bruce Lansky)"

I didn’t do my homework.
My teacher asked me, “Why?”
I answered him, “It’s much too hard.”
He said, “You didn’t try.”
I told him, “My dog ate it.”

He said, “You have no dog.”
I said, “I went out running.”
He said, “You never jog.”
I told him, “I had chores to do.”

He said, “You watched TV.”
I said, “I saw the doctor.”
He said, “You were with me.”
My teacher sees right through my fibs,

which makes me very sad.
It’s hard to fool the teacher
when the teacher is your dad.

Lalu, pelajaran music, untung aja performanceny diundur...
(MeL udh pasrah & minta maaf ma Fajar...)
Pelajaran art, belajar ttg art in society...
(MeL ngantuk bgt neh...)
Habis art, pulang deh!!~


PS : CONGRATULATION for KELLY CAROLINA... yg terpilih mewakili 10 F untuk Poetry!!~ ^^

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